Algerian Congress of Mechanics
Research & Development

18 – 21 November 2024 Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria

social program

  1. Structural Acoustics and Vibration.
  2. Aeroacoustics
  3. Noise Source Identification
  4. Vibration Field Measurements and Force Identification
  5. Flow Induced Vibrations and Noise
  6. Building Acoustics and Seism
  7. PDEs of Multiphysic Dynamic Systems
  8. Smart Materials, Smart Structures and Metacomposites
  9. Dynamics and Engines Control
  10. Mechatronics
  11. Computational Vibro-acoustics / Numerical Technics
  12. Industrial and Environnemental Acoustics
  13. Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis
  14. Fluid- Structure Interaction
  15. Robust Design
  16. Friction Noise
  17. Smart Monitoring
  18. Maintenance 4.0